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Contura* undertakes that, in no event, will it sell, forward or otherwise disclose your e-mail address to any outside organization when you register it on your website. Nor can any other visitors to the site access information about you. By ordering a brochure on the website you also consent to us storing your information in our database - and confirm that you are aware of these simple rules for participation.
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Although every effort has been made to ensure that information is accurate at the time of publication, the information on this website is provided “as is”. Under no circumstances can Contura be held liable to any party or for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or other consequential damage resulting from the use of this website or any linked website including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, or other data in your information and business management system or otherwise, even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damage.
Contura makes no guarantees and/or promises regarding other websites that can be accessed via this one. These are only for your convenience and it does not imply that Contura endorses or accepts responsibility for the content or use of such websites. Furthermore, it is your responsibility to take steps to ensure that whatever you select to use is free of viruses and other harmful elements.
Misprints/publishing errors
We reserve the right to correct misprints, errors in information as well as errors in product specifications. The information provided on this website may be changed at any time without notice. Some information on this website may be incorrect due to product changes that have occurred since. Some of the equipment described or shown may only be available in certain countries or may be an option. All images are to be regarded as illustrative in nature and not exact reproductions of the appearance and characteristics of a product.
The prices on are presented in the price ranges for our various product categories. We reserve the right to refuse orders made with incorrectly published prices and changes beyond our control. Each retailer has the right to set their own prices.
All content on this website is to be considered as Contura. The information is protected by copyrights, marketing and brand trademarks. This means that trade marks, trade names, product names and information about products regarding product weight, images and graphics, design, layout and other contents unconditionally may not be copied or used without explicit written consent from Contura.
*NIBE is the stock exchange listed parent company of the group of which Contura is part.
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