Contura 600 Style - Ett fint yttre och ett varmt inre
Eld från en braskamin skapar ett iögonfallande centrum i ett rum. Med en kamin som mittpunkten i rummet så blir ingen besviken, för värmen eller designen. En brasa ska ge maximal trivsel och en kamin ska alltid passa inredningen i rummet. Kaminerna i Contura 600 Style-serien har blivit mer attraktiva överallt: de värmer bättre och har både förbättrade och nya funktioner. Men framför allt har kaminen gjorts om, fått nya ramar, dörrar och färger. Som vi alla vet kommer skönhet inifrån, men den ses också utifrån.
Contura 600 Style har ny design, nya funktioner och en starkare effekt
Den populära Contura 600-serien av kaminer är nu känd som Style och får omdesignade luckor och reglage som tagits fram för det framgångsrika konceptet. Men Contura 600-serien har många fler nya funktioner än så – design och funktion har förbättrats inifrån och ut i minsta detalj. Med attraktiva och praktiska tillbehör blir din Contura 600 Style precis som du vill ha den.
Freestanding log box
Practical freestanding log storage, shaped for the artstone and metal stoves in the C610 and C690 series. Available in black, grey and white and can only be placed on the right hand side of the stove.
Välj den topp som passar bäst hemma hos dig. Topparna finns i följande utförande: lackad aluminium, glas eller täljsten.
Handtaget för lucköppning har ny design och blir inte varmt vid eldning. Med reglaget styr du enkelt förbränningen.
Logburner with new features and functions
New features include; closed-door, automatic start, boost-function and silent ashbox, all of which we are sure you will appreciate, likewise the innovatively designed firebox that further increases output. Or simply put: you get more heat from the logs. In addition, you can choose between three different sizes, three colours and surrounds in artstone or soapstone.
ASF - Automatic start function
Is an ingenious function that automatically controls the lighting air through the grate. It means that the door can be shut at the same time that the start-up fire is lit and the stove therefore becomes completely independent of room air. Which means it feels safer not having to leave the stove with an open door during the start-up fire. It is also perfect for modern buildings with negative pressure. The function is unique to Contura and a patent applied for.
RBF - Refuelling boost function
With the boost function you can ”save” embers that have nearly died. You just open the handle on the left, new oxygen flows in from below and brings out the embers so that the new wood catches light. After a short time you can once again enjoy a beautiful fire and heating.
SSA - Silent sliding ashtray
Beauty in the smallest detail we say – and mean it. Contura 500 Style has a new ashbox, which, thanks to its design and damping function, slides quietly and softly during emptying.
Wood burning stove Contura 600 Style
The stoves in the Contura 600 Style series have become more attractive all round: they heat better and have both improved and new features.
Stoves with new smart features
Autostart for fast lighting, a boost function to bring embers back to life and a quiet-slide ash pan are just some of the new features that make moments in front of the fire even cosier.
Tools & features to help you find your dream stove
Do you feel uncertain about what log burner/wood stove would fit best in your particular home or do you want to design and create your own personal fireplace? In that case our flexible and smart features “Build your stove” or “Stove Selector” will be great tools that help you on the path to finding the right log burner or fireplace for your home. With our “Stove Selector” feature you can, by answering a few questions, get recommended wood stove models that fits your home and needs in just a couple of minutes. If you rather want to design and create your own log burner/wood stove or fireplace you can instead use our “Build your own stove” feature, which doesn’t just give you the possibility to build your own wood stove, but also look at it in 360 degrees and even place it in your home with the help of your mobile phone and our smart AR-tool.
Beautiful inside for heating the room
Just as car engines and white goods are becoming more energy efficient, the combustion technology of stoves is also being developed. At Contura we are constantly considering how we can improve the stoves and we have always been amongst the best in class. Now we have refined our technology even further. The firebox of the Contura 600 Style has a new, more attractive and streamlined design which means that the heat that radiates from the stove has a more even spread. Nice, right?contura 610 Style
Braskamin med gjutjärnslucka. Finns i svart och grått utförande. Välj mellan värmehylla eller täcklucka under toppen.
contura 610G Style
Braskamin med glaslucka. Finns i vitt och svart utförande. Välj mellan värmehylla eller täcklucka under toppen.
contura 620 Style
Braskamin med gjutjärnslucka och värmemagasin i powerstone. Finns i svart utförande. Välj mellan värmehylla eller täcklucka under toppen.
contura 620G Style
Braskamin med glaslucka och värmemagasin i powerstone. Finns i svart utförande. Välj mellan värmehylla eller täcklucka under toppen.
contura 620TG Style
Täljstenskamin med glaslucka. Finns i svart utförande. Välj mellan värmehylla eller täcklucka under toppen.
Fler nyheter
Heta kaminer och eldstäder

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Contura i61
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